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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Inauguration of 'Truth, Strength and Honour' - Welcome

This is a blog dedicated to preventing the destruction of European civilization and to stemming the ongoing stealth genocide of the white race through untrammelled immigration and race-mixing. We at the Reichsministry for Public Enlightenment, through this blog,  'Truth, Strength and Honour', will only give you truth, not the false representations and outright lies so beloved of the mainstream media in the Western world. We encourage and welcome any comments to our blog.

In Memory of Dr. William Pierce

Ambassador for Truth

The most important thing to realize before we begin is that public figures today are preponderantly deceivers, whose word cannot be depended upon without great risk. Even people who pretend to be "conservative" are in reality no such thing. Yet more damning is the demonstrable fact that the vast majority of them are consciously hurting the interests and even the survival of the people they purport to serve. Many so-called conservatives, especially in North America, are enthusiastic supporters of white genocide, having stated quite clearly that they would like to accelerate non-white immigration from the Third World.  There are dark forces at work in the Western world today promoting everything from genital mutilation of children to the abortion of white babies, to fake gender wars and family breakdown, and multiculturalism and false egalitarianism. In some cases, outright theft and murder against whites are even promoted, as demonstrated with the 2012 release, on Christmas Day no less, of the anti-white movie "Django Unchained", distributed by the Weinstein Brothers.

Very few politicians have the fortitude to remain moral and steadfast in the face of temptation, degeneracy, baseness and outright blackmail and threats. The media no longer tells the truth, for it has been infiltrated by alien elements of a very deep and terrible malevolence.

It is imperative that all white people, in whatever nation they may live, should oppose these trends with all their might. The alternative is to accept the slow but certain elimination of white people of European descent, along with the permanent loss of their cultures and their heritage.

Whites who refuse to assist us in this vital mission are participating in the genocide of their own people; nothing could be more ignoble than that. Stand up and be counted.

Sieg Heil!


  1. From Canada.
    I look forward to reading and contributing to this blog site.
    As a white male Canadian of German origins, I applaud the creator of this blog. Our white European people everywhere, require an urgent call to arms, to stop the takeover of our countries by foreigners, and to root out the Zionist/Jewish poison, which now rules over us. I am proud to write here that I am huge admirer of the late Adolf Hitler. I subscribe to his National Socialist principles, cherish my copy of his great book, Mein Kampf, and hang his portrait in an honored place in my office.

    1. Thank you for your comment my friend. Yes, Hitler was indeed a great man.

  2. Great blog!
    "Heil" from Bavaria/Germany

    1. I am sorry for my late reply. I did not see your comment until now.

      Am watching the video you sent me!

      Heil Hitler.
