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Friday, 18 January 2013

What Is White Genocide?

We at the Reichsministry for Public Enlightenment define, "white genocide," as the intentional, planned and systematic destruction of white European people and white people of European descent, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that majority white nations will cease to exist and that white Europeans as an ethnic classification will be eliminated.

Those who are unacquainted with the expression, "white genocide," and who see no evidence in their day-to-day lives of said genocide, might reasonably be expected to presume that no such genocide is taking place, and that all claims to the contrary indicate a grave error on the part of the ones making these claims. In fact, people who claim that white genocide is happening are often met with blind, uncomprehending mockery, particularly from liberals, Marxists and other leftists. Even when these leftists can be convinced that white genocide is a real phenomenon, they tend to say it is not worth worrying about or even that white genocide is good for the world. Those who condone or welcome the prospect of white genocide are most often Jews, Arabs, Negroes and mestizos.

Is white genocide really happening?

At the beginning of the 20th century, white people made up almost one third of the human population of the earth. Since then, their numbers have undergone a very sharp decline in proportion to other races, to the extent that whites now stand at 10-15% of the total world population. Additionally, every major nation that began the 20th century with a large white majority has seen a steep increase in its non-white population. The United States of America is the starkest example of this, going from more than 90% white in the 1960s to under 65% today. The percentages of whites are expected to decline further for the rest of the the 21st century.

One might interject at this point that these percentages betray no intent or planning whatsoever, and that there is no reason to think the relative numerical decline of whites is due to the design of anti-white malefactors. Thus it must be shown that white decline has been deliberately induced and managed with the premeditation of demographically weakening white Europeans or of removing them from the equation altogether.

The Jewish Role

People often mistakenly define Jews as followers of the Jewish faith. The truth is that, as Hitler said in Mein Kampf, "Jewry has always been a nation of a definite racial character, and never differentiated by the fact of belonging to a certain religion." Confirmation of this fact can be found in the statements of the leaders of the Jews, wherein they refer explicitly to the Jewish "race." Genetic studies have also shown the racial ancestry of the Jews to be distinct from that of white Europeans. To a greater or lesser extent depending on the individual Jew, Jews are also visibly distinct from Europeans in their facial topography.

The history of the interactions between Jews and white Europeans has been portrayed by the American academic Kevin MacDonald as being one of competition, with the Jews spending many centuries as "outsiders" in European countries and consequently being in eternal competition with their host peoples. Although we respect Professor MacDonald's input, we at the Reichsministry for Public Enlightenment eschew the word, "competition," electing instead to use the word, "predation," when describing the conduct of the Jews in their interactions with Europeans. Especially concerning monetary transactions (but in other areas as well), Jews were and remain highly aggressive, dishonest and exploitative of the people among whom they live, bankrupting some and consigning others to perennial debt-slavery. The role of the Jews in European societies, in addition to being predatory, can be accurately described as, "parasitic," because they have always sustained themselves on resources gained through the hard work of others, and this so rapaciously that the host peoples found themselves on more than one occasion completely drained of all that they had worked for.

Here is what French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had to say about the Jews in 1806:
"The Jews provided troops for my campaign in Poland, but they ought to reimburse me: I soon found that they are no good for anything but selling old clothes...Legislation must be put into effect everywhere that the general well-being is in danger. The government cannot look with indifference on the way a despicable nation takes possession of all the provinces of France. The Jews have to be treated as as special people. They are a state within the state. It is discouraging for the French nation to end up under the sway of the lowest of peoples. The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age; they are the carrion birds of humanity...They must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice. They are surely not real citizens. We ought to ban the Jews from commerce because they abuse it...The evils of the Jews do not stem from individuals, but from the fundamental nature of this people."
                        -From Napoleons Reflexions, and from speeches before the Council of
                         State on April 30th and May 7th, 1806

Napoleon Bonaparte:

The relationship of the Jew to the European is one-sided and certainly not symbiotic, but it appears to go rather further than that. Jews, spurred on by their own natural fanaticism and racial supremacism, also seek to dominate their hosts in addition to robbing them. However, Jews generally have had an overwhelming numerical inferiority to their host peoples, and the difficulties attending this fact have always made it necessary for the Jews to find roundabout ways to attain political and cultural dominance over white Europeans. Ill-gotten monetary dominance has always given the Jews the ability to bribe and corrupt even the highest officials of European states, but as long as the Europeans maintained unified and racially homogeneous nations there was only so much power the Jews were capable of acquiring before they were violently removed from their positions by the righteous anger of the people. This happened repeatedly throughout history, but in the 20th century the Jews discovered an efficient way to end the independence of Europeans once and for all.

Having identified the resistance posed by white national homogeneity, some Jews realised that the only way they could remove this threat to Jewish power-grabbing was to radically alter the racial character of their host nations. So it was that in the United States in 1965, the Open Immigration Law was passed at the instigation of Jewish senator Jacob Javits, whose public comment on the matter was, "open the floodgates." This law replaced a quota-based immigration policy which favoured white immigrants with one based on chain immigration, allowing an unlimited number of families of migrants to gain entry to the United States regardless of their country of origin. Needless to say, millions every year began to pour into the US from Third World countries, starting a process that would in a few decades change the complexion of America.

White European people and their culture have come under existential threat in the United States since the Jew Javits passed the Open Immigration Law. The positive correlation between ethnic diversity and ethnic conflict has also reared its head in America under the tyranny of this immigration policy. The Open Immigration Law of 1965 was merely the culmination of decades of Jewish agitation and political activity aimed at destroying the white racial character of America and replacing it with a multicultural Jewish paradise in which the Jews would not feel threatened by being a tiny minority in an overwhelmingly white nation, and in which Jews could readily control and manipulate a fractured racial patchwork of different peoples who were unable to oppose Jewish power.

White Americans have always been opposed to non-white immigration, and insofar as this law trampled over the will of the people it was not only a threat to the white population of America, but also undemocratic; an indication if ever one were needed that even though Jews endlessly parrot their "love for democracy," when it conflicts with their plan for domination they can very easily jettison democracy. It is instructive to reflect on how the interests of the white majority in America have been systematically abused by Jews to the extent that in a few decades they stand to lose their own country to wave after wave of Third World immigrants. The Open Immigration Law did not spring from the collective mind of white America, but from an alien people, the Jews, and the destruction wrought by that immigration policy on white European Americans has been incalculable. It is easy to observe the way in which similar "irresponsible" immigration policies have been instigated by Jews in white countries all over the world, not only in the United States.

The media, mostly controlled by Jews, has acted as a fifth column in the merciless Jewish war against white people everywhere. The Jewish media has for decades been pumping out intellectually untenable messages of equality, multiculturalism and miscegenation, in the hope of weakening the cohesiveness of white people and every other race except the Jews themselves (who strongly discourage Jews from mixing with other races and who vigilantly maintain Israhell as a homogeneous Jewish state, even at the expense of the people who were already living on the land). Jews posing as "anti-racists" are working around the clock to destroy white solidarity by spreading the message that white people should be ashamed of their history and should be making up for it today by effacing themselves. When anyone protests against mass immigration of non-whites, that person is quickly labelled by the Jewish media as a "racist," great moral turpitude is implied, and their reputation is destroyed by slander. This has cowed white people to the extent that hardly any of them dare to speak out in defence of their fellow whites. A great many more white people now believe the saturation-level lies told to them by the Jewish media, in spite of the harmful effects these lies are having on whites.

Anti-white Jew Tim Wise is one of the most prominent media personalities on the subject of race. Here is what he had to say to the white citizens of the United States:
"Your kind - mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like - are dying...And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys...Fine, keep it up, It doesn't matter, because you're on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving...By then half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it."
                                                          -Anti-white Jew Tim Wise
The educational system in many white countries, controlled by Jews who have infiltrated the universities, performs the same function as the media, inculcating white children with insidious and demoralising lessons about their responsibility for the so-called historical crimes of their white ancestors. "White guilt" is now the central pillar of history for white children, in addition to the endless preaching of, "equality," "racial mixing," and perhaps most dangerous of all, "feminism." A spectacular parade of Jewish feminists have expended a great deal of energy and time in persuading white girls and women that child-bearing is inimical to their happiness and "success," that their own menfolk are the enemy, and that their own unborn children should be aborted whenever possible. These ideas have not only caused pandemic family breakdown among white Europeans, but have also devastated the white birthrate and white fertility. This has helped make white people vulnerable to being outbred in their own nations by non-white immigrants with large families.

"Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine, ballets, et al. don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history."
                            -Feminist Jewess Susan Sontag (born Susan Rosenblatt)
In addition to educating white people about the "evil" of their own kind, the Jewish media and education systems in Western countries are also geared toward instilling in the growing non-white population a sense of grievance and a resentment of white people. As a consequence, vast numbers of non-whites nurse an active and deep-seated hatred of whites, which one can easily imagine leading to open and violent genocide of whites at some stage in the near future. In South Africa, blacks routinely tell whites to "wait until Mandela dies;" a very ominous threat. If the Jews persevere in their diligent incitement against white people, what will be the fate of the whites of North America and Europe whenever whites become an ethnic minority in their own nations?

Ex-communist Harvard Jew Noel Ignatiev echoed the desires of the rest of his tribe when he stated,
"Make no mistake...we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed, not 'deconstructed' but 'destroyed.'"
                                         Anti-White Harvard Jew Noel Ignatiev:

Other Jewish intellectuals, among them Jared Diamond (author of Guns, 'Germs and Steel'),  have been energetically writing essays, books and articles in which they try to discredit the very reasonable idea that the genetic characteristics of groups of people have a significant role in whether or not their respective nations prosper and advance.

Almost every nation in the world with a white European majority is being targeted by the same Jewish tactics with the same end goal in mind; weakening and possibly even destroying the unique European genotype and replacing it with a mongrel people who will be incapable of resisting absolute Jewish dominance. The average European IQ is already beginning to decline because of the increasing numbers of non-white immigrants from the Middle-East and Africa. If this continues, the traditional white cultures and peoples of Europe will be eradicated within 100 years, and replaced with Arab/Negroid/European hybrid nations.

Supremacist Zionist Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre of the "Paideia Institute" in Sweden
explains the genocide of white Europeans and the destruction of traditional Europe:


"White genocide" is most assuredly taking place as we speak, and the joke is on those who refuse to believe it. Not only have we confirmed this, but we have pinpointed the culprits. Overall Jewish strategy has been very effective in destroying the social cohesion of whites, breaking up their families and destroying their racial consciousness. The Jews have also been busily stirring up hatred against whites among non-whites. Far from resisting these processes, white people have greeted their enemies and competitors (Jews and competing ethnic groups) with open arms. This attitude has severely compromised the position of white people in the world today, and even threatens their very survival. If white people do not quickly overcome their brainwashing and find the antidote to the Jewish poison that is killing once-proud white nations, white Europeans will disappear from the earth. The Jews, rid of their greatest adversary (whites), will then be the undisputed masters of these formerly white lands, and indeed of the whole world. The megalomaniacal fantasies presently indulged in by Jews everywhere will become a reality.

The Reichsministry for Public Enlightenment endorses any and all measures to root out these Jews, get rid of all non-white immigrants, and support the restoration of white lands to the white European people.

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